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Name: CR45: (discontinued) Cr45 Mag Wheels
Manufacturer: Ki Mobility
(discontinued) Cr45 Mag Wheels parts diagram
(Click on image to enlarge)

Tire Component Chart  |  Tire Compatibility Chart  |  Handrim Hardware ChartIf changing wheel size and anti-tips are present, new anti-tips may be required. If changing wheel size or style, new axles and handrims may be needed.
Pos. Part # Description Price UOM Buy
1a 101961 Wheel X Core Mag 5-Spoke 20" Black N/A EA Please Call
1b 101962 Wheel X Core Mag 5-Spoke 22" Black N/A EA Please Call
1c 100960 Wheel X Core Mag 5-Spoke 24" Black N/A EA Please Call